Friday, December 16, 2011

Canister luv

So it' freakin Friday is everyone done shopping? We took the easy way out money for everyone no shopping. Made it so much easier not fighting the crowds. Only 9 days left to shop...

Any way I'm gettin ready to go in (I work til sometime after midnight... Blah) but I thought I'd post a short one.
Love these so I thought I'd share.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

granny bee tea

sorry some of the pics are blurry i have the worst time holding the camera still. the other half  was giving me a hard time about it. i just said "well everyone's not a professional like you are!"
anyway "the granny bee" had all the bee's over for our holiday tea party and ornament exchange. "know one" is allowed in the kitchen to help she does it all by herself (even serving us on  a silver platter just kidding) yes she does serve us and the food is always (awesome and) amazing!!! i'm so thankful i have this great group of women in my life.
make sure you checkout "the granny bee" blog she's an amazing lady and i'm glad i can call her one of  my friends.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Crochet luv...

Seriously I have real problems... Pinterest for hours I can't stop...
I need p.a. (pinners anonymous)
Enjoy the pics... :0/