Sunday, April 17, 2011


so the other half and i have been working out in the yard since the weather is warming some and no rain. we discovered we have a bug investation!!! bees, lady bugs, butterflies, grasshoppers  you name it i think we have it!!!
i think these are the kind of bugs everyone would want.

the phlox is in full bloom

and the lavender is huge.
i hope evryone else had a great weekend. let me know what you're up to.


Reality Jayne said...


Bee Lady said...

Love the bugs! I thought you were serious when you first mentioned the bugs and I thought...good for you! Those kinds of bugs are GOOD bugs and it must mean you don't use chemicals. Then I saw the pics...silly girl.

Good job on your landscaping.

I started to pick up those extra boxes on Friday and it started raining so I decided I'd get boxes another time.

Cindy Bee