Monday, December 17, 2012
ranting #1
my post tomorrows post will continue off of this.
Friday, November 30, 2012
open house weekend
have a great weekend and don't forget to stop by and say hi.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
i changed the look of my blog trying to get into the spirit i'm kind of a bah humbug girl the header came from pinterest i did a search for trees and it came up i was gunna share the link but i can't get the blog to load.
i hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this time of year.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
hello there...
i've been trying to post for some time now but have been having problems with the blog app on my ipad...sometimes technology is a pain in the you know what!!! so i got the laptop out and had to use it which is fine but it's way easier to post pics and i have more on my ipad than on the laptop.
any who things are looking up here on the porch my boss is getting happier about the store and my inventory numbers came back and they were down so work is not as stressful. i just need to find my creative spark again i have ideas and get all my supplies together and want to start stuff and then that's where it fizzles.
Well in the middle of this post the laptop crashed and won't load any of my prework so I'm posting this from my phone. The pic is a cell photo so I hope you can see it. The pair in the middle came from the postman today so I'm super excited!!
This is just how things have been going for me since I started my vaca on wed I haven't gotten a thing done.
Btw for anyone in Indiana come see us in the cabin for the fall open house tomorrow from 3-10 pm. Go to Beth's main street folkart blog or more details. I hope everyone is doing well and I will post again tomorrow night.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The weather here today got cool and it feels like fall so now I'm in the mood for sweaters and layers oh and of course my boots...

Just thought I'd post some pics of some things I'm lovin right now.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Pea soup
Thursday, August 30, 2012
More twins
Another set of twins were delivered today...they haven't been named yet. I have a few names in mind but thought maybe I would take them out, have a few adventures and then maybe decide. What do you think any ideas?

They are a little snug so I hope they stretch out some. My feet are so big and they sold out of the 10. :,,,(
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Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sunday samplings
This is some of my inspiration for today. You can't really see the bracelet under the white one but I wrapped it with some of my kaffe fassett's fabric and will be doing the same with the white one. Also I started about a month ago some bracelets with wool and trimmings one them hopefully I will get them posted later this week.

I already had the inspiration to make these but got motivated to get them done because I had to go to work today and we got these in...

Which is exactly what my idea was and had started on the wool bracelets but hadn't had time to start the fabric ones so today I made time.
I think this could be another birds of a feather project maybe...what do you think?
Hope everyone had a great Sunday...tell me how you spent your day?
Cheers from the front porch, ms. Grandma
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

I need to be doing more of these...

Risk taking...need to get better at...

I have been thinking this evening about something my dad used to say to me all the time as a kid...
" can't never did anything"
I just need to make time for the important stuff I have really wanted to do something with my birds of a feather idea and always think to myself I can't I don't have time well that needs to change.
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Sunday, August 12, 2012
Freaky Friday
So my other half went and got this...

This was his second this first one is a half a sleeve almost.
I got this...

I've had one for years on my ankle and they say once you get one you are addicted and want more well this is true for him but my pain tolerance is not as high as his so it probably will be awhile before I get a 3rd.
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Sunday Monday...
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Things I'm liking

Gettin this Friday not sure where yet and I want a saying with it any ideas?

This looks so peaceful...

It's finally raining here tonight I just want to stay up and set on the porch while it does but it's almost 1am and 6am will be here before I know it.
What are some things you are liking?
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Takin some time...
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When life gives you lemons make lemonade...

Saturday, July 14, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Owl pins

These thin little guys are just $7.50 and measure about 1 inch. The one on the left is a light mint green with silver brushed on the details and the other is a plum color with silver detailing.

These guys are much thicker and measure just a little over an inch and are $15.00. Shipping fees are $2.50.
The left side is a deep plum with silver detailing, the top one is light mint green with silver detailing, the middle is a deep rose color and the bottom one is a pale pink with copper detailing.
Just email me if you are interested I hope to get these and some other stuff posted on easy this week.
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Mtg day ={
P.s. It is also the place where the workt by hand workshop is held. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

You can barely see the beak on one of them on the edge of the nest.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happenings this wkend
Yesterday I took the pic of the hatched egg and the 2nd one popping through...
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sleepless in k-town
Went to granny bees tonight and now my brain is a buzzin...I can't sleep!!! Laying here with my note pad so I can jot down my thoughts. We have been working on appliqued beeskeps to practice our stitches on. So my brain started thinking about other shapes this could be done with and I came up with quite a few. Sue spargo did leaves a few years back and now shesnworking on birds which is one shape I had thought of about a year ago but tonight I had more come to mind...owls, mushrooms, skulls and squares. Maybe even triangles and circles. I just can't stop thinking of all the possibilities. It's a project you can start and work on as you wish, pick it up and put it down to come back to later and when they are all done you can leave them all on 1 piece or cut them out and appliqué them onto a bigger piece as part of the embellishment. Just so many ideas and uses for them.
Also I drew up my logo for my birds of a feather project. I just need to get things Rollin to get it started or maybe it's just an idea I will always want to happen. It's hard finding time for my craft with work being so demanding right now.

Also this is on lined paper maybe because of how my brain works I need for something to be on the paper when I draw. I've tried on a blank piece of paper and it's like my brain locks and nothing happens but paper with lines I can doodle away on. Sometimes chaos stirs my soul.
I hope everyone's had a great Wednesday.
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Saturday, June 9, 2012
Can't sleep...

Want one of these cars!!! I LOVE my vw!!! If the house was burnin down get the dogs out and then I'd say you better get my... Car out of that garage!!! She needs parts and some work before I can drive her again.

I want a space like this it just says relax all over it.
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Thursday, June 7, 2012
A little woody
So today I thought was going to be a relaxing day here on the home front...but the other half changed that plan. The morning started with the normal house work then turned into a little honey do list while the other half mowed. The leg is finally feeling better after 2 wks of nursing it. I did some trimming, watered plants, cleaned up the neighbors dog poop ( so annoying), and wrapped a gift for a dear friend.

So the other half decided that we need a project for the afternoon(no relaxing and taking a nap for me)
We went from this...

To this...

Now we want to decorate it with something. This would be so we can have some privacy from the neighbor (ya the one with the dog who roams and poops in my yard). Eveybodys got one in their neighborhood. Any way we really like the wall but can't decide what kinda art work or paint we want to do.
So this was my wild Wednesday how was yours?
P.s. The bushy kids are gettin haircuts tmrw
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Stitching project
As I said in my last post a lot happened in my life over the holiday weekend. Kids sometimes do stupid things out of boredom. If they have other interests they may be more inclined to make better chooses. I don't know maybe I'm foolish to think this is a good idea or maybe it is I don't know. Any feed back on this would be appreciated.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
So I've been up since about 4am. We had storms roll through at that time lots of loud thunder (the kind that rattles the house) and lighting plus the little ones woke my up wanting out. Well my brain started and I couldn't shut it down. I worked all weekend and it was a bad weekend. A lot of stuff happened and it made me think. One of the things was someone asked me at some point in the past couple of weeks what would be my legacy? I didn't even have anything to say?! So why didn't I? I need to change this! There were other ideas and thoughts I may share at a later date...I am challenging everyone to ask themselves the same question.

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Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The other half and I have done almost all the planting around the house so the little flower beds are in bloom along with all the flower pots.
I added a button on my side bar after getting back from Vegas last month. I purchased a set of twins and I'm in love!!! At this rate by this time next year they will be seeing mr.Patton for new soles!!!
Today was our first fun adventure at the garden show it was dreadfully hot but we managed for almost the whole day. Everyone loves them and thinks they are just my personality.
***I will add the pic of my outfit when my friend sends it to me.
I will be posting more of the adventures we have together in the future.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. What did you do?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Here's to another 20 years.
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Any hoo just wanted to check in I'm sure I will have lots of pics to post ltr.
The little guys knew something was up they hate it when we leave.
***didn't get this posted no free wifi in Vegas. I should've known nothins free there.
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Saturday, April 14, 2012
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Sunday, April 8, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Groovy girl art
So i was an hour late to work today because one of my friends opened a little studio shop called groovy girl art. I am so excited for her. She was so busy I couldn't get any pics of her wall of amazing yarn but i will next time I go. I also bought 2 and one of yarn that I just love. I will post a pic of those tomorrow its dark and my lighting is horrible. If you are planning a trip to kokomo or somewhere close you must check out her studio it is HOT!!!
The pics are of Cindy "bee" winding yarn and the paintings "the groovy girl" painted them.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Sad day Wed
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Granny bee Wednesday
It was super warm today we broke the record of 79 we hit 81. It was too hot for me setting in the sun. The other half and I took the dogs for a walk and they are pooped. They got so hot all they want to do is sleep.

Love this pear pin keep.

Loving the dark colors of these pillows.
I'm still tryin to get out of my funk. I have so many ideas and want to start stitching and doing some workshops. This feeling totally sucks.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
At a loss

Loving these... Another thing I want to try my hand at.
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